Vignette’s Assignment


A specific artifact that serves as a place that connects to a certain place resulting in my learning developments are school bookbags. Everyone who has gone to school at least has onedifferent bookbag every one or two school years( of course depending on their financial situationpossibly even more). Each bookbag you have ever had represents the different school years you had it with and all the work and experiences you endured during those years; although you might not remember anything, many things you learned come flushing back into your memory once you open your bag. Looking back on all the backpacks that I still have stored I am reminded of information that is still particularly relevant even in this new stage of education which is college. I am reminded of the progress I made when I was still in high school, and how by each year I wasn’t the person I was before but someone more academically understanding, disciplined, and tutored to apply what I learned for the real world because that’s what learning isall about, it’s about maturing and being more educated than how you were before.

The moments that stand out to me how I use language and literacy is the way I try to persuade and intrigue someone for my interests. A common thought for children and teenagers is that we often think that what we learn from school is useless but, every year they’re language and literacy skills are growing because of all the repetitive work they do which benefits them in their day to day life. Referring to the first sentence; to live a life you have to work, and to work you have to go through an interview. The person that is being interviewed needs to have a keensense of discretion, which is something you learn through language and literacy, because you have to use a careful set of words that pleases the interviewer and makes them deem you as mature and professional. Depending on what job it is you also have to give past experiences or insights on yourself so that they may find an appeal in you which is an exact example of how I use language and literacy. What makes it stand out to me is that I use it so much that sometimes I forget that it’s something that I didn’t always know or was good at but it’s somethingthat I gradually get better at when I indulge myself in improving my English language skills.

A family event that I recall that I found to be very awkward was the Christmas of the year of 2020, and what mad that Christmas different wasn’t because if covid but it was the result of many past years of family drama being reflected on that day and after those viewpoints on each other were different and the family wasn’t the same as before. During that day we all knew who was fond of each other or not and they regularly stayed apart from each other, but Christmas is a day where everyone is joined together to bond and spend time together which means certain people would eventually cross paths. Very subtly I would notice the few times where these groups of people would come on bad terms and it would break the mood a bit and make it seem like it would be backstabbing to spend time with one group then to another because it seems that you are on someone’s side. All of us as humans have a bias to us and no matter who are there’s always someone you favor more than someone else and that’s what came to play in this event which made it not only awkward but unsettling, but that’s how family is there’s always moments of competition or rivalry but were always bound by our relations and connections no matter how much we might hate each other which depending how you look at it may be a good or bad thing.

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