My purpose is to inform people who are not interested in learning about my site in a creative and entertaining way.
My motivation of sharing this site for people who aren’t necessarily interested in history to understand how important it is and how it shapes our society today (specifically forgotten New York history) but in a way that engages them.
Format: Brochure
Genre: Historical Non-fiction
My purpose is to inform interested academics about the history of my site and the lengths it went through in order to be preserved
I deeply care about the topic of history preservation and my motivation of writing of this to so others can see why preserving history is so important and also how we could miss on many pieces of history if we chose to ignore it.
Genre: Historical Non-fiction
What is similar about both of them is that it has the same motivations and purposes, but the MMT is more directed to a broad audience of students that aren’t usually indulged history or who don’t choose to study/ learn on their own time. This means in order for the MMT to be catered to these individuals I must relay my information in the most interesting and interactive way I can so I can gain attention.
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