Self-reflection essay/Introduction to Porfilio


Welcome to my site these posts will contain all my responses to the various weekly writing reflection questions.

Self-Reflection Essay:

What is the definition of a writer and what defines them? The google definition of what a writer is someone who “writes books, stories, or articles as a job or regular occupation” but that definition alone does not fully describe what a writer can be.  No one can put a limit on how creative or eccentric a writer can be but their own creativity and innovation, which means there is no clear definition besides someone who writes about a certain topic of what they are concerned in and want to express in words. For example, a writer can be someone who writes books for the sake of expressing who they are and what their interests are and can also be for earning money. Everyone has their own reason to write but as long as they have purpose that is what makes them a writer.  


As a writer myself it isn’t always easy to convey my thought process in a well-constructed paragraph or essay. During the time I had in FIQWS 10113 I have built This portfolio to document all my reflections on each assignment I was given. The purpose of this portfolio is for me to understand and comprehend the progress that I’ve had as a writer during my time in class. Each assignment has helped me grow more in my writing skills and I’ve learned that the key things to focus on that helped me were my Struggles/Growths and the writing strategies that I’ve learned while completing the assignment. Although many of the assignments have their own elements, they each clearly have their own they each have given me a chance to grow in my writer skills and helped me understand how to put various writing techniques in use.

(Spoilers!) In Week 15 I expressed that the research essay has helped me realize how important it is to have proper and correct citations because when researching is involved you always look up through various sources to find your information. For the reader to understand where you have gotten your information it’s crucial to have citations so your essay doesn’t contain any plagiarism because not only do you lose credibility as a writer if you’re exposed but you can also get Bad grades if you are a writer in an education system environment like school. This specific example shows that I’ve learned the writing strategy of citations and had to put it in practice for this specific assignment. A clear struggle of citations however was trying to maintain the accuracy of it because it is easy to make small mistakes when creating them, so it is important for me to understand to always follow the Chicago style format to give a correct citation. This struggle counts towards my struggles and growth aspect of the profile because trying to create citations helped me grow as a writer through my struggles because the endless practice of it helped me create correct citations for the future when I need to do it again. 

Another important artifact that grew my writing skills was the Multi Modal Translation assignment. One of my struggles from this assignment is how to make a piece of content interesting but also not letting it lose its structure of useful information since it was derived from the historiography essay. This challenged my way of conveying information and made me learn how to cater it to audiences that aren’t relatively interested in my work. A writing strategy that I’ve been practicing is using Pathos by demonstrating the importance of history preservation and how it’s a natural for humans to want to be remembered and not forgotten which will cause a sort of connection with my audience in a way I plan to use this detail in my MMT for people to have interest in my work and its history.

The most important artifact to me that has helped me grow as a writer was my learning analysis essay. It helped me to understand how to incorporate myself in my writings more because I never considered using the word “I” when I write. I always thought that there was nothing I can grow on which is what made me struggle in understanding the assignment, but it helped me learn that you can still learn from yourself or what you’re writing about while you are still doing it. Once you start understanding the topic you are writing about you start to think how you can apply the information you know about your life or the way you think or write. A Tool that I have learned is using the word “I” more in writing so I can express to the reader what “I” the author thinks about the very thing that I am writing about which makes whatever I am writing clearer.

In conclusion, the point of this portfolio was for me to reflect on each assignment so I can learn from what I did right, wrong, what I’ve learned, and what I have done with the knowledge I have learned. I encourage anyone reading this to create their own portfolio of all the things they have written in this year so they can we how they have grown through their writing processes because I can guarantee that you will gain more knowledge of writing and how to become more successful the next time you have to put your writing into practice.

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